Monday, February 28, 2011

Exhale Magazine-Boston

02/28/2011 (Part 1)-Today I am reviewing a local Boston magazine called Exhale.  It was given to me while attending an Arbonne party.  I’m doing this review in 2 parts although it’s only a 75 pager, I would like to give a detailed review.  Hopefully, you will find this informative and entertaining as well.

At first glance I was pleasantly surprised at the quality and print of all the articles.  The cover was appealing to me as a woman of color although the ethnicity of the model could cross several boundaries.  Honestly, it was refreshing for the cover not to be some striking resemblance of the demographic area of the magazine.  Show me a woman-a real live woman, someone that I see at work or could see at the supermarket.  That is what appeals to me.

The cover boasts 6 articles that are the shining star,but the heart of the articles start with a young colon cancer survivor, Evelyn Reyes and her triumph to live each day like it’s her last.  This was an amazing article, well written.  I felt like I knew or was familiar with her battle with cancer. There are quite a few health articles written by what seems to be healthplan executives, but are very significant to who I believe are the readers of Exhale.  Working in the healthcare industry and being part of a population of women who always puts other’s care ahead of their own,  I found the Heart Disease article enlightening.

To spotlight a few, there are 16 recipes with pictures that will make you press preheat before you turn the page.  I promise to try at least 3 and give you my take.  Showcased are recipes from the American Heart Association that pack a punch with flavor and feasibility.  Included are recipes by Tracye Lynn McQuirter, MPH author of, “By Any Greens Necessary:  A Revolutionary Guide for Black Women Who Want to Eat Great, Get Healthy, Lose Weight, and Look Phat.  (I would love to receive a copy of this book to review hint, hint).  I want to do all of the above… eat great, lose weight, look phat- hopefully in that order.  McQuirter says that vegan is the healthiest way to eat, but it seems like a lot of work.  I like cooking with items I have in my pantry.  I would have to run to Whole Foods and spend my whole paycheck just to make a few of the recipes.  Maybe my pantry needs to get more vegan and I might lose some weight.  We’lll see, I’m open to trying a few new things.

There is an article with Kelly MacFarland the 2004 contender on “The Biggest Loser”.  The funny girl talks about her weight loss journey on the show and now how she takes the time to enjoy life especially when there is an opportunity to do have some sort of self discovery.   This article is upbeat and well written and relevant.

From what I can see it is like a journey through the entire magazine.  All these strong inspiring women pouring their hearts out on paper.  It almost seems like the life journey of one woman told by many actors, but all related.  That is something you don’t experience every day.
Stay tuned for Part 2.

Many Blessings,

Tracy Elle

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